Born For Grateness

Campaign and Branding

Henry Tran

12/22/20211 min read

Campaign and Branding

Born For Grateness

Through the campaign “Born For Greatness” our primary objective is to increase brand awareness and demand for Be Fuckin Grateful clothing apparel. Our secondary objective is to focus on humanizing the brand by sharing the founder's vision of building a platform to support risk-takers and artists through BFG, the unconventional clothing brand; we expect to profoundly establish our brand name and excite consumers to become part of the journey. Not only will the brand gain a voice, but additionally we will help build a community that inspires others to use theirs. We plan on solidifying BFG’s main communication platform on Instagram by increasing reach and engagement. Our quantitative goals to boost brand awareness are: drive an average of 500 likes per post, 3000 views per IGTV video, and increase followers by 50%. Since we also want to drive demand for BFG clothing apparel our goal includes increasing sales by 30%.